Several months ago a friend of mine starting talking about essential oils and how great they were. I stalked her Facebook and her blog for awhile, learning what I could about these oils. Seems strange that oils can help allergies, coughs, depression, anger, bring you happiness, have calming factors, help with well...pretty much anything.
Now Hunter seems to catch everything under the sun, especially when it comes to issue with the lungs...bronchitis, pneumonia, constant coughs. A lot of this, I believe, is due to having a C-section with her (read up on it, C-section babies tend to have more lung issues) and she has horrible allergies on top of that. We constantly have to give her allergy meds and I'm bad about forgetting because I don't have allergies and usually don't notice they are bothering her until she is already miserable (Great Mom award to me please!). So again, after reading up and questioning Erin, I decided to take the plunge and order the Young Living Essential Oil starter kit. It was definitely the best way to start. More bang for your buck. I received 10 different oils, plus a bonus Stress Relieve oil, along with their diffuser and several other little goodies. Now Josh, seeing what I spent, wasn't too happy. I decided to ignore him. I started off diffusing what is know as the Allergy Bomb. It consists of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint. It smells awesome. Not only does it smell great, Josh noticed a difference with his allergies!! So much so that one day I brought the oils to work with me and he was calling me when he got home wondering where they went because he can breathe so much better when they are being diffused! He was also the one to let me know we were almost out of Lavender and Lemon oils.
So with just diffusing the Allergy Bomb I had him sold, but still I hadn't really used them for myself until about 2 weeks ago. I started getting a cold. Congested but still have a runny nose, sore throat, headache, just felt like crap. And because I'm breastfeeding, I can't take much over the counter stuff for risk of it affecting Blaine or compromising my milk supply. So I turned to my hand dandy notebook! AKA my essential oil book with everything under the sun listed and what oils to use for it. The oil of choice, R.C.
To beat the cold, I would diffuse several drops of RC along with rubbing a drop or two on my neck and behind my ears. Within 24 hours I could smell, taste and my throat was no longer sore and I didn't feel as if I was constantly wiping my nose. I became a believer! Usually it would have taken me at least 5 days if not more to get over that cold. Especially since I can not take any decongestants.
I also use the R.C. on Hunter. She gets coughs quite often and she loves it when I put oils on her chest, back or the bottom of her feet.
R.C. is a blend of oils that include Eucalyptus globulus, Radiata, Citriodora, and Myrtle, Pine, Spruce, Majoram, Lavendar, Cypress and Peppermint.
It can be used to treat many things :
Now Hunter seems to catch everything under the sun, especially when it comes to issue with the lungs...bronchitis, pneumonia, constant coughs. A lot of this, I believe, is due to having a C-section with her (read up on it, C-section babies tend to have more lung issues) and she has horrible allergies on top of that. We constantly have to give her allergy meds and I'm bad about forgetting because I don't have allergies and usually don't notice they are bothering her until she is already miserable (Great Mom award to me please!). So again, after reading up and questioning Erin, I decided to take the plunge and order the Young Living Essential Oil starter kit. It was definitely the best way to start. More bang for your buck. I received 10 different oils, plus a bonus Stress Relieve oil, along with their diffuser and several other little goodies. Now Josh, seeing what I spent, wasn't too happy. I decided to ignore him. I started off diffusing what is know as the Allergy Bomb. It consists of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint. It smells awesome. Not only does it smell great, Josh noticed a difference with his allergies!! So much so that one day I brought the oils to work with me and he was calling me when he got home wondering where they went because he can breathe so much better when they are being diffused! He was also the one to let me know we were almost out of Lavender and Lemon oils.
So with just diffusing the Allergy Bomb I had him sold, but still I hadn't really used them for myself until about 2 weeks ago. I started getting a cold. Congested but still have a runny nose, sore throat, headache, just felt like crap. And because I'm breastfeeding, I can't take much over the counter stuff for risk of it affecting Blaine or compromising my milk supply. So I turned to my hand dandy notebook! AKA my essential oil book with everything under the sun listed and what oils to use for it. The oil of choice, R.C.
To beat the cold, I would diffuse several drops of RC along with rubbing a drop or two on my neck and behind my ears. Within 24 hours I could smell, taste and my throat was no longer sore and I didn't feel as if I was constantly wiping my nose. I became a believer! Usually it would have taken me at least 5 days if not more to get over that cold. Especially since I can not take any decongestants.
I also use the R.C. on Hunter. She gets coughs quite often and she loves it when I put oils on her chest, back or the bottom of her feet.
R.C. is a blend of oils that include Eucalyptus globulus, Radiata, Citriodora, and Myrtle, Pine, Spruce, Majoram, Lavendar, Cypress and Peppermint.
It can be used to treat many things :
- colds
- bronchitis
- sore throats
- sinus infections
- respiratory congestion
- ALLERGY symptoms
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Poison Oak
- and many more!
If I have caught your attention and want to know more about the essential oils, I will be discussing the 11 that come in the Premium Starter Kit in my next couple of blogs.
Also if you would like to try a bottle out, let me know and I can order it for you.
If you want to jump right in go here : Distributor Sign-Up
In the Sponsor & Enroller ID enter #1726218 if it isn't already
Fill out your information
Select the kit you want
You can say no to the Essential Rewards--in fact, I recommend this until you've tried the oils and know if you like them or not.
And submit!
The kit sell for $150, which gives you about 50% savings! When you purchase the kit you become a distributor but there is no requirement to sell and no minimum purchase amounts have to be met.
E-mail me at
if you have any questions or would like to order any oils!
{Of course, I'm not a doctor, and these tips are not meant to diagnose or cure anything. I also only recommend using Young Living oils, as they are the only company that controls their seed to seal process, keeping their oils chemical free.}
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