Feeling Thankful

The past few days I have just been feeling extremely blessed. I don't know why exactly, maybe God is trying to draw me closer to Him and working His ways in my heart. I have not opened my bible in months, and even longer since I have been to church. I know this needs to change. I want my daughter to grow up knowing who Jesus is, have fun learning about him with others her own age. Some of my happiest memories take place during church whether it be Sunday school classes, Girls In Action, youth group, VBS...I want Hunter to have that experience.

A sweet sweet memory happened last night. One that brought tears to my eyes and left a picture in my heart. Josh and I were in the kitchen fixing supper when Hunter grabs his hands and starts dancing with him. It was just too precious. How can that right there not make you thankful? Watching that sweet sweet ornery child grow up is the absolutely best thing I will ever get to do. It also makes me thankful for Hunter having a daddy like Josh...and I'm thankful I married him. (Maybe some day I'll post about the wedding. HA!) 

I'm thankful for my Origami Owl business. I really do see the money I make from it. It's amazing. And a blessing in my life. My September is pretty much booked with Paddle Parties and Jewelry Bars and starting on my October. I have a growing team under me...three active designers with two DIW (Designers in Waiting). One will be getting her 'wings' next week and will be having her first party on Thursday. I'm so excited for them. I love this business and I love sharing it.

I guess I needed this post to remind me of the wonderful things in my life. So much horror and depression has been on the news, on Facebook, everywhere...it's easy to get sucked into it. To let it drag you down. I don't want that to be my case. I'm thankful for the daily reminders that keep me lifted up.

What has God blessed you with lately?
