'Come on come on
That's just the way it is
Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is
aww yeah'
2Pac's song Changes keeps running through my head (and now I hope it is in yours...better than something from Frozen). A lot of changes going on around here. And all for the better.
1. As of the beginning of August I will be working as a nurse assistant for the Webb City school district at two of their schools. I am so unbelievably excited but also very nervous. I have worked at my current job for eight years now! That is a long time and pretty much all of my twenties. I'm sad to leave there. I'll miss my coworkers and my customers. But I'll be glad to have a 15 minute drive instead of an hour. To be home before 4 pm instead of considering myself lucky if I get home by 6:30. To have lots of days off with the kids, to have a summer vacation again! I already have so many fun things I want to do with Hunter and Blaine next summer (thank you Pinterest). I'm also very excited to be working with kids again. I babysat for years and then worked at a daycare in college and then as a nanny for awhile. I have always enjoyed being around kids. Another bonus for the job...SCRUBS! I get to wear scrubs!
2. I am slowly building a stash of cloth diapers. I wish I would have made the transition when Hunter was little. I joked about it but didn't really look into it. I'm regretting it now. I'm still doing my homework on the matter but this will be something I'm sure will be mentioned in the future. Oh for those of your reading this and thinking 'Oh gross!' it really isn't. Google it. They are adorable, easy to use, some are pretty much like disposable diapers, you just wash them yourself, and they SAVE YOUR TONS OF MONEY! I'm sold on that part right there. It might take a little investment to build a stash but it is definitely worth it in the end. Plus you can always resale them for about what you paid for them unless they are in just awful condition.
3. Oils! If you follow me at all on Pinterest you would have noticed I pin a lot of things involving essential oils. I HEART them! This in itself will take a whole blog post or several. I have become a believer in them. I use Young Living Essential Oils and they are a daily thing in our household, whether it is diffusing them or rubbing them on our feet, back, or temples. I have even been using one to help keep up my milk supply as a nursing mother!
And of course this stinker changes constantly!
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