Spring time around here has consisted of the windows open and playing outside. We have lived in this house for four years now and the first year I bought flowers hoping to keep the beds the previous owner fixed up looking good. Well our puppy at the time tore it all up. I cried and have not bought a flower since then. Josh decided this year he would put mulch down. He also added a new bed area to help mowing the yard a little easier. He did great! Some of the flowers from the previous owner still grow in patchy, so besides the mulch, a few edging stones and a couple of little bushes, he didn't have to do much at all.
Hunter loved helping him. She loved finding the worms and roly poly bugs her babies. I won't have to worry about killing the flowers due to lack of water, she loves watering them.
Blaine, at first, was not sure what to think about the grass. He was scared to put one leg down, but after awhile he was crawling all over and now he loves playing outside.
When the weather is nice, our after school routine is to nurse Blaine, then make our way outside. To swing, to 'go to school', to blow bubbles, to pull brother off the slide and make him cry...
...but then they do have moments that are quite adorable. Of course I can't find those pictures..maybe tomorrow.
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