Happy (late) Mother's Day Mum.

I started this post before Mother's Day. I planned on finding old photos of mom and us kids to upload and add to the post. It was going to be a great one, but it never happened. I seem to always have good intentions but never enough time or energy to do everything I want. So here it is, the post that is not finished...

Birthday Parties
Art Projects
Car Rides

My mom was/is always there. When we were young it was in person. Now that I'm older, she is a phone call and for the most part, a short drive away.

My dad was gone Monday morning through Thursday evening every week until I was 20. I have three brothers. I have no idea how she did not lose her mind.

Without meaning to, she set the bar high. I loved my childhood. She was always doing something with us, whether it be a trip to Texas, Memphis, camping or just running to the next sport, it was never dull.

Mom was there for our events from tennis, wrestling, dance, and soccer (and basketball, baseball, cheering, running, scouts, academics). Always decked out in the right colors, and matching accessories.

I do not remember her loosing her cool (well maybe a few times when we were older - high school or older), really yelling even. Though we did get the occasional spanking (we always tried to shoved clean washcloths down our pants) mom enjoyed her job, taking care of us and it showed.

Christopher and I used to fight over who's classroom would she be the Home Room Mother of. She always had great games to play and goodies to give out (thank you Oriental trading and your Chinese finger traps).

****and that was as far as I got, so basically it boils down to how much I love my mum. She is the greatest. We have went through some tough times, but I know she only wants what is best for my brothers and I. She will do anything to help us out of she is able, and has no problems with spending time with her grandchildren. Heck Hunter prefers to stay at her house and never wants to come home once she is there. She doesn't mind driving an hour just to pick up Blaine and Hunter, only to turn right around and take them back to her house, just because it helps me out. 

Mom, you are the best I could ask for, and you are the best Granny I could ask for my children. We Love you. 
