Lazy Sunday?

It is almost 1pm, I have not brushed my teeth, my hair or gotten dressed. My kids are still in their PJ's, but I have managed to feed them two meals and no one has gotten in trouble today. I have washed 3 loads of laundry. Even though they are sitting in piles on the living room furniture, I'm pretty proud.  

My kids are both playing in the baby's crib. It keeps them both entertained and I don't have to worry about Blaine finding something else to put in his mouth. We call him Chowder for a reason. I should be folding those piles of clothes instead I'm sitting here typing this and with The Bodyguard on TV, how can I do anything else at the moment? What happened to lazy Sunday's? Oh right, growing up is what happened. 

Laundry, I hate it. Well I hate the folding, the hanging and the putting away, I have no trouble washing it, though moving it to the dryer is sometimes an issue. I need a magic wand for that part, or a maid. 

How do working mom's do it? Or stay at home moms for that matter? How do they manage to keep their house clean, kids, and husband happy, and do something for themselves? I left my old job so I would have more time to do all the above, but I feel like I am in the same spot as I was when I had less time at home. I have so many things I need to do, go through clothes (mine & the kids) organize things - bills, important papers - meal plan, do freezer meals, tag things for sales. SO MUCH!  I just get overwhelmed I shut down and do nothing. Normal right? For those of you working moms, what little things help you? I would appreciate any tips. I'm sure my husband would as well. 
