My dearest Hunny B

My Hunny B, 

I love you. I'm sorry I suck sometimes. I'm sorry I yell and I'm mean. I need to put myself in time out instead of running out of patience with you. Sometimes I am so embarrassed by the way I act, I pray you don't remember and that I get my act together before you are old enough to remember. 

I promise I do not have a favorite. It might seem like I favor your brother right now, but he just needs me a little more at the moment. You are still so little, I'm sorry for treating you like you should be able to do some things, when really, you are not quite ready. I love how you try (sometimes anyways).

Granny (my mom) always said she did not realize how little your Uncle Christopher was until I came along. We are 28 months apart (a little over two years for those of you not good at Math). You and your brother are almost 27 months apart. I get it now. 

Sometimes I worry if I'm 'ruining' you. What if I'm not teaching you right? What if doing this damages you in the long run? What if? What if? What if? Ya know, normal parenting struggles. 

I loved our mommy, daughter date the other night. Seeing you discover a movie theater for the first time was fun even if you got bored occasionally with the film. *note to self, animated movies for 3 year olds probably work best* I loved how you chanted 'No boys allowed' on the way there. I pray we always have fun together like we did that night. 

I have lots more to tell you but right now I'm going to put this away and snuggle up to you, and probably make you cry because the TV needs to go off. 

I love you sweet Hunny B. 

