Not long YL decided to make a few changes to their Premium Starter kit.
They have removed Peace & Calming and Valor, and have added Citrus Fresh and Melaleuca.
Melaleuca is also known as Tea Tree oil or Mel-A. Melaleuca is an oil that I grew up using for mosquito bites and burns. We did not use Young Living, but the kind we used stunk to high heaven. It was awful, but boy did it work! I have only recently learned what a versatile oil Melaleuca is. It can support the immune system and can be massaged into the chest/throat area to help with lung function. Use it as a mouth rinse and add it to shampoo. This oil can be applied neat and will leave a cool, fresh feeling.
I love all things citrus and Citrus Fresh is no exception. It is a blend of 6 oils: Orange, Tangerine, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lemon, and Spearmint. It also supports the immune system, but also reduces feelings of stress, anxiousness or sadness. It help support good digestive function and works as an air purifier.
This oil can be used to flavor foods and water, but like the Lemon oil, be careful when using this oil if you plan to be out in the sunlight long.
- Always drink drops of this oil in glass or stainless steel
- Add 2-4 drops to a large glass of water or NingXia Red for a morning "pick-me-up"
- Smell directly from the bottle to amplify creativity and well-being
- Diffuse at the office or during homework to improve mental accuracy and concentration.
- Add to a wet cloth and place in clothes dryer to freshen laundry
If you would like to try a bottle out, let me know and I can order it for you.
If you want to jump right in go here : Distributor Sign-Up
In the Sponsor & Enroller ID enter #1726218 if it isn't already
Fill out your information
Select the kit you want
You can say no to the Essential Rewards--in fact, I recommend this until you've tried the oils and know if you like them or not.
And submit!
The kit sell for $150, which gives you about 50% savings! When you purchase the kit you become a distributor but there is no requirement to sell and no minimum purchase amounts have to be met.
E-mail me at
if you have any questions or would like to order any oils!
{Of course, I'm not a doctor, and these tips are not meant to diagnose or cure anything. I also only recommend using Young Living oils, as they are the only company that controls their seed to seal process, keeping their oils chemical free.}
**Information provided by the Oillionaires Facebook group.
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